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Saturday, October 5, 2024

What is the benefits of Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana). Know Here how to perform it.



Half Moon Pose, also known as Ardha Chandrasana, is a challenging pose that tests your balance. You root down with your standing leg and stabilizing arm while elevating and extending your elevated leg and opposing arm. This allows you to draw energy from both the sun and the moon.

To correct postural imbalances, perform Half Moon Pose on both sides. If your chest or hips are tight from spending all day at a computer, do some hip-opening stretches before entering this position. This will make it easier for you to rotate your torso and lengthen your ribcage.

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Read More: These 6 Amazing Yoga Asanas to Enhance Your Immunity System.

If you tip over and fall in Half Moon Pose, refocus and get in touch with your breath. In daily life, when you find yourself becoming sidetracked, return to your breath and the present moment.

Half Moon Pose


Chandrasana Ardha (are-dah chan-DRAHS-anna)

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When translated as “moon,” ardha is half of the Sanskrit word chandra, which means “glittering, brilliant, bearing the brilliancy or color of light” (spoken of the gods).

Basics of Half Moon Pose:

Standing Balanced Pose Benefits: Enhances balance and counteracts the negative effects of sitting. Targets: Whole Body.

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Additional advantages of Half Moon Pose:

  • Strengthens the muscles in your core.
  • Strengthens your thighs and ankles when done on your standing thigh. Moreover, it extends your buttocks and the hamstrings on the back of your thigh (glutes).
  • Stretches your groin and the hip flexors, particularly your psoas, on the raised thigh. Also, it tones and strengthens your buttocks, outer thighs, and abductors (glutes).

Ardha Chandrasana benefits

Steps for Half Moon Pose:

  1. Start by placing your left foot forward in Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle).
  2. Turn your head to face the ground while bringing your right hand to your hip.
  3. Put your weight on your front foot while bending your front leg.
  4. Reach slightly forward and place your front hand precisely beneath your front shoulder on the mat or a block. To regain your balance, firmly press down with your fingertips.
  5. Raise your rear leg until the thigh is parallel to the ground. Twist your body and hips to the right, slowly turning your chest in that direction. Lift your upper hand up towards the ceiling.
  6. Keep your eyes on the ground or gently move them to your top hand. To avoid overextending your knee, keep your standing leg slightly bent.
  7. Return to Extended Triangle after leaving the posture in the same manner that you entered it.

Beginner’s advice:

Support your hand on a block if you have trouble contacting the floor with your lower hand. Once your balance is secure and comfortable, start with the block at its highest height and lower it to its middle height, then, if feasible, to its lowest height.

Ardha Chandrasana

Examine the posture:

Half Moon Pose is typically arranged after Triangle Pose, midway in the midst of a series of standing poses. Bend your top leg and reach for your top foot to enter Chapasana, also known as Sugar Cane Pose, a more back-facing form of Half Moon Pose, for an extra challenge and quad stretch.

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Be careful!

Keep your eyes straight ahead if you’re having trouble staying balanced. Put a block beneath your bottom hand if reaching the floor requires too much side-bending.

Read More: Some Amazing 8 Beneficiary Facts of Doing Yoga Everyday.


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