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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Yoga Simplified: Discover the 11 Essential Poses for Your Practice



Yoga is an age-old discipline that has recently gained popularity as a trendy form of physical activity. There’s a solid reason why everyone from Hollywood A-listers to your coworkers is getting their om on these days.

Beyond the obvious advantages of increased flexibility and balance, there are substantial health benefits to yoga practise. A wide range of health benefits have been linked to yoga, including relief from stress, depression, and anxiety as well as decreased inflammation in the body (Reliable Source). From what we’ve heard, yoga can even help with headaches.

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In addition, executing a heroic asana (a yoga stance) looks totally awesome. The one and only catch? When our yoga instructor is speaking a language other than English, it might be challenging to keep up.

Also, Read- Stress-Free and Flexible: Yoga Poses to Improve Mind and Body Health

Yoga poses have Sanskrit names like Utkatasana and Trikonasana, which may seem more like Hogwarts spells than genuine body shapes.

We consulted Chrissy Carter, a licenced yoga instructor, to compile this comprehensive reference on yoga poses to aid everyone from complete beginners to seasoned yogis.

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Think of this as your guide to eventually nailing the positions you’ll see in most beginner and intermediate sessions.

1. Warrior II

Warrior II

  • How to do it

Keep three to four inches of space between your toes. Put your right heel out and your toes in, turning your foot inwards. Turn your left foot out 90 degrees. Raise the left foot’s arch till it’s level with the right.

To avoid damaging your left knee, bend it to a 90-degree angle while maintaining it in line with your second toe. Lean back into your heel and lengthen your straight back leg.

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Form a T at shoulder level with your arms as you inhale. Scapulae together, down the back. Keep your hands open and palms down. Cast your eyes across the tips of your forefingers. As your breath out, relax farther into the posture.

Expert advice: turn your hands up and bring your shoulder blades down your back. Take note of how that makes your posture change. Once you’ve calmed down, turn your palms over so the undersides are facing up.

  • Advantages

Although a standing position called “warrior” may not immediately conjure images of Zen, its practise has been shown to promote mental serenity and stability. More challenging than it appears, it helps build muscle and endurance in the legs and ankles.

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2. Down Dog on a chair

Down Dog on a chair

  • How to do it

Place your hands, shoulder-width apart, on the back of a chair. Put your feet in this posture to bring your hips into alignment with your heels. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your back straight.

Root yourself in your feet and push up through your thighs. Lengthen the sides of your body by extending your hips away from your hands. Pull your outer arms in and up, and lengthen from your head top.

  • Benefits

Although Downward-Facing Dog is a staple of yoga, pose can be difficult for newcomers.

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The hamstrings are stretched, the shoulders are opened, and the spine is lengthened in this variation just as they are in the traditional version, but without as much strain on the upper body.

3. Downward-Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog

  • How to do it

Moving your hands forward by a distance of 6 inches while on all fours. To increase the length of your spine, tuck your toes and push your hips up and back. Keep your knees bent to transfer your body weight back into your legs and ease the tension in your hamstrings.

Make a fist, spread your fingers, and squeeze your palms together while rotating your arms so that your biceps are facing each other. Thighs pressed against wall behind you for support.

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  • Advantages

This traditional yoga position stretches the hamstrings, spine, and shoulders. The gentle inversion relieves stress by placing the head below the heart.

4. Mountain Pose

Mountain Pose

  • How to do it

Stand with your feet either together or at hip width. Put some weight on the balls of your feet and press down. Bring your shoulder blades down your back and away from your ears as you raise the top of your head.

Pull your belly button in towards your spine and lengthen your spine by engaging your thighs. Make the palms of your hands face the front of the room. Don’t clench your teeth and stop frowning. Relax your breath.

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  • Advantages

We know you just seem to be standing there, but please be patient. This stance serves as the model for the others. It helps you maintain equilibrium and focus on the here and now.

5. Chair Pose

Chair Pose

  • How to do it

The first position is Mountain. Raise your arms, spread your fingers, and focus your upward energy as you inhale. Exhale, then slide back and down, as if onto a chair.

Weight should be moved towards the heels, and the spine should be elongated. Lift and stretch your arms as you inhale. Deepen your seated position as your breath out.

  • Advantages

This standing posture (stay here for a minute, you’ll feel the heat) is excellent for building strength in the legs, upper back, and shoulders. When your thighs are getting a good workout, your mind can focus on being patient. Don’t forget to take deep breaths.

6. Bound Ankle Pose

Bound Ankle Pose

  • How to do it

Knees should be bent and opened to the side like a book while seated on the floor. Put your feet together while in a comfortable, upright position.

Lengthen your spine by placing your fingertips on the floor immediately behind your lower back. Another option is to grab your ankles and do a forward bend at the hips.

If you’re having trouble bending forward due to stiffness, try sitting on the edge of a blanket.

  • Advantages

You’ll get a good stretch in your inner thighs and groyne, and the forward bend will help you feel relaxed and refreshed.

7. Corpse Pose

Corpse Pose

  • How to do it

Position yourself in a “starfish” position by lying on your back with your legs extended. Spread your toes as far apart as you can. Stretch out your arms, palms facing upward. Get some shut-eye and chill out.

  • Advantages

Indeed, it’s really that easy. Savasana, a deep state of relaxation practised at the end of every yoga session, allows the mind and body to rest and integrate the lessons learned throughout the class.

8. Four-Limbed Staff Pose

Four Limbed Staff Pose

  • How to do it

Go forward onto your toes from Plank Pose. Root down into your palms and spread out your chest. Breathe in.

Bring your elbows to a 90-degree angle as you exhale. Maintain a vertical position with your thighs. When you lengthen your spine, picture yourself bringing your tailbone down towards your heels. Keep your arms at your sides. Look ahead.

To exit the position, simply drop your knees to the floor. If you want more of a challenge for your abs, you can complete this move with your knees up. Downward-Facing Dog, in which the practitioner lies on his or her back, is another alternative.

  • Advantages

Sun Salutations, which include chaturanga, are a staple of Hatha, Sivananda, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa yoga practises. Improve your core strength and triceps power with this exercise.

9. Half Moon Pose

Half Moon Pose

  • How to do it

To begin, assume a Triangle Pose. Keep your knee bent in front of you, right where it meets your second toe. Put your back foot within your front hand and walk forward by about 12 inches. Don’t set it up on anything fancy, just the floor or a block.

Lift your rear heel off the ground and transfer your weight forward. Extend the front leg while maintaining the front hand planted on the ground or a block.

Extend your flexed rear foot towards the wall behind you. Raise your free arm overhead. Don’t take your eyes off the hand that’s on the ground.

To release the position, bend the front knee and descend the elevated leg towards the floor gradually.

Expert advice: look up at your top hand to test your equilibrium in the posture.

  • Advantages

The outer thighs and hips get a good workout in this balancing position. It helps you focus while stretching your hamstrings and inner thighs.

10. Dolphin Pose

Dolphin Pose

  • How to do it

Go down onto your forearms from a four-pawed position. Keep your fingers spread apart and your elbows at shoulder level.

When inhaling, assume a Downward-Facing Dog position by tucking your toes and lifting your hips up and back. Let your head rest loosely over the ground.

Press firmly into your forearms, then push off the floor with your upper body. You can get a good hamstring stretch if you press your heels into the floor.

  • Advantages

The upper body strength required for a headstand or forearm stand can be developed in this pose. It also has the added benefit of reducing mental and emotional stress.

11. Side plank

Side plank

  • How to do it

Go into Downward Dog position. To make a right turn, put your right hand in line with your right foot’s outside edge.

The left foot should be placed on top of the right. Stretch out from the base of your spine to the top of your head. When you feel secure, reach your left hand upward. Using your lower hand, push the ground away from you.

If you want to make things more difficult, try lifting your top foot off your bottom foot. Visualize yourself as a starfish if it helps.

  • Advantages

The abdominals, upper back, and shoulders all get a good workout in this position. It’s useful for inversion and arm balance practise because it strengthens the core and scapula.

Read More: Some Amazing 8 Beneficiary Facts of Doing Yoga Everyday.


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